E-mail: maribolen@bolenbronzes.com

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Studio Phone: 406.360-3936

Mari Bolen • Sculptor

Mari Bolen
Mari Bolen

Mari Bolen lives in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley of western Montana. In an art career that has spanned 50+ years, she has been a television, motion picture and theater art director, packaging designer, restoration expert and sculptor. Her career began in 1964 as art director of Montana State University's Film and TV Dept. and the Zoology Dept, as well as free-lance work for the Dept. of Fish and Game. Moving into the private sector, she became art director for independent television stations in Arizona and California, as well as free-lance work for network TV. She also taught sculpture at extension classes for the University of California, San Jose Unified School District and Adult Education.

In 1980, she returned to her beloved mountains in Montana and built her home and studio.
Her work is seen in galleries throughout the west and she shows in many national art shows such as: C.M. Russell Art Show & Auction, Loveland Sculpture Invitational, Rough Rider International Art Show, Montana Professional Artists Association Show, Sedona Sculpture Walk, Montana Land Reliance Show, Treasure State Invitational and others. She is a founding member and the current President of the Montana Professional Artists Association. She teaches privately and at various workshops. Her work is in private, corporate and museum collections in every state and 5 countries.

Now known for her sensitive and evocative studies and portraits of native culture, old west characters and animals, she relishes commissions for portrait work of new and different people...digging deep into their character to make the finished piece come alive with emotion and movement. Her work with animals and people highlight her knowledge of anatomy and action.

Artist's Statement:
"My knowledge of The People of the Plains Nations has taken me on a lifetime journey. I am proud to be a part of their lives and history. I have depicted the everyday lives of the ancient ones in my study called "Children of the Earth". The 32 Plains Nations are depicted in this collection. I hope that the viewers of my work can walk away from these pieces knowing a bit more about the people, the history and the animals that make the old and the new west so exciting.
E-mail for more sculptures and information.

Favorite Art Sites to visit:

Michele Kapor - Landscape Artist

Montana Professional Artists Association

TAB Associates - The Architectural Balance